Monday, 14 January 2008

Self Introduction - Anna Mazzeo

Hello, Everybody!What a wonderful community!I'm Anna, I've been teaching English for ages to students aged 14-19. I've never experienced blogging, just heard about it, but I'm very curious and want to learn it. My only cybernetic experience has been my participation in last year e-learning course about "Learning Objects"that was great, involving, fantastic, ...terrific...and gave most participants great enthusiasm and a strong willingness to keep in touch! Here we are, at last! ready to exchange experiences, comments, to help each other! Thanks Annafranca for starting this community!As I am the coordinator of the Benevento Tesol group, I'm sure other members of the group will join this community; I just need a bit more time to inform all them.That's all for now.

1 comment:

Anna Franca said...

Hi Anna! Welcome and thanks for rolling the blog!