Monday, 4 February 2008

Paola'a blog

Dear everyone,

I have created it! What fun!

Looking forward to your comments

Love :-)



Nancy Rose Steinbock said...

Dear Paola,

I enjoyed visiting your blog, seeing you and seeing all that you are doing. By the way, the article from Newsweek - I received it sometime ago when I regularly got the magazine (now I read it weekly online)and saved it. As a matter of fact, I will be referring to some of the info during my presentation on the 15th in Verona. I'm looking forward to meeting you in person!
Good luck with your new blogsite and your continuing work. I hope to be able to attend your paper as well since I am also interested, as you know, in the narrow scope of the 'cultural' presentations in most school books.

Take care! Nancy

Paola said...

Dear Nancy,

thank you for having had a look and for your comment!

I'm looking forward to meeting you, too, and to a f2f chat :-)


Antonietta M.D.P. said...

Dear Paola,

you're great! Well done!
I have also appreciated your article in ANILS magazine latest issue.

Congratulations and best wishes for your studies.

Antonietta :-)

Paola said...

Thank you Antonietta!!!

and thx also for telling me about the article... I haven't seen it printed yet!

All the best to you, too

Paola :-))