Tuesday, 4 March 2008

TECHNORATI...that is 'technological litterati....

I vaguely remembered I had already visited Technocrati in the past - almost by chance, as it sometimes happens when you 'surf' with no very specific aim, following a sort of thought chain, starting from a point and getting to something different, only slightly related to your starting quest, yet related to some different interest of yours...
Yet, what Anna Franca asked us to do was quite specific, thus I focused on her suggestions.
Tried to do so... Yess.
Search box, key words. I tried with EFL, ESL, teaching/learning ESL/EFL, using blogs/web0.2 for learning/Teaching, educational technology etc. - differently combined and mixed - and I found lots of useful and useless 'stuff' (single posts, blogs, videos): 'tags' might be misleading, they don't always bring you exactly to what you're looking for...Example: 'teaching' might appear in a blog just 'coze the guy is a teacher...but is blog is utterly devoted to photography...and you find absolutely nothing about 'teaching'...You see the point?
What I liked best were the videos - and I finally chose to watch a number o f them related to teaching and teachers, rather than learning through web0.2 - and somewhat completely forgot about Anna Franca's task.... Sorry... Have a look at the one I posted here.

ps. I know this is not what Anna Franca's task required...just liked to share it with you all!


Anna Franca said...

So you had already come across Technorati!Actually you did a good job of the task as it does require some hyperlinking which eventually led you to the video...
On tags, try looking at the concept of "folksonomy"

Daniela Millini said...

web fast reply! (sorry for 'is' instead of 'his'...)
'Folksonomy' clicks some brain link too... Has it anything to do with sorts of 'archives' (repositoires) where you share and exchange bookmarks and links...? Don't remember - going to have a look!
Have a nice week!

Paola said...

Dear Dani,

I have found the video absolutely exhilarating... thank you! Educational archeology or... may it still be useful ????
I have thought it could be a good match with the Frank McCourt passage I have chosen for my blog in a teacher training course, but possibly also in a Liceo pedagogico. Another point that has come to my mind is that it is not only the material in itself that makes it more or less interesting, but the use you make of it (the "how" more than the "what"), and this relates also to technological tools - especially web2 interactive resources.

A lot of food for thought...
