Monday, 14 January 2008

Hi everybody!
I'm Daniela Millini, I teach English at 'secondaria I grado', and I'm really very very...very glad to have the opportunity to meet again Anna, and the other friends of Benevento and Cosenza groups!
It's true, our previous e-learning experience with TESOL was great from many points of view, and I learnt more than I did in a number of F2F courses. Wonderful people and 'unforgetable' tutor on line. Moreover, I like blogging....I blogged with my students of Corsi Speciali, with my eldest son and his friends...and I've just tried to open my own blog (but I have very little time to update it at the moment...).
After the Tesol e-learning experience I also attended the EPICT online course (just finished it!); the module contents were interesting (a good starting point for futherr deepening and research) and we had to works in group online (which was not so easy, for some of us...).
I'm sorry but I must go now: Consigli di classe, scrutini.....that kind of stuff...

(Don't get scared about my nickname: I chose it some time ago and then I kept it....Yet, I'm Daniela: you know me...)
Looking forward to hearing from you all!


Anna Franca said...

Hi Daniela, thanks for joining and enjoy. BTW, can you please POST your introduction as a message ;-))A.F.

Daniela Millini said...

Dear Franca,
I'm sorry...What do you exactly mean with "post it as a message"?I thought I had posted it as...a post. :-)
I realised I didn't put a title :-( is it that...?
Thanks for your answer,

Anna Franca said...

Dani, what l mean is to stay on the main page and in the top right hand corner go to "New Post" without adding to the comments under the message. Take care, F.

Daniela Millini said...

ok! no comments to the messages.

Anna Franca said...

Dani, you can surely write comments whenever you like but it's better to introduce ourselves as posts. Cheers!