Saturday, 26 January 2008

Non-verbal communication

Following Anna Franca's suggestion I visited this website and I was captured by an interesting video about "non-verbal communication".
Would you mind watching it and expressing your own ideas ?
How meaningful is it in your daily social dimension?

Antonietta M.D.P.


Anna Franca said...

Thanks so much for your video tip, Antonietta! Found it really self-reflective.
How much non-verbal communication coming from our students do we very often miss???

Paola said...

Antonietta, the video is very interesting, thank you!

Apart from learning to read our students non-verbal communication clues - I find NLP sensory model and eyes movement interesting and useful in this respect - how much room do we give to non-verbal communication in classroom where sitting still seems to be one of the most important skills to learn?

And how much attemtion do we pay to our non-verbal communication to classes and to individual students - particularly important when giving feedback, for instance?

It'd be interesting to develop a discussion on these topics, wouldn't it?


Antonietta M.D.P. said...

I have found very interesting to read your views on the topic.
I realized how much I was able to convey to my students in the classroom through my eyes, when testing some of them orally they stopped speaking asking if the answer was wrong. I had said no word but my expression while looking at them had probably changed.
It may happens to see bored faces while reading a text or someone who is scribbling on his/her diary.I understand immediately that my lesson is not being capturing and I have to change something in my teaching approach or look for a more appealing topic/strategy.
I'd like also to mention certain neighbours who never smile when meeting you in the lift who seem to belong to another planet...:-)
