Thursday, 6 March 2008

Students talking about using blogs as a learning tool...

An article about Technocrati - and some suggestions on how to use it....


Daniela Millini said...

The article is in Italian...Yet, I thought it might be useful for a better understanding of what Technorati is...

Antonietta M.D.P. said...

Hello Dani,

I have just surfed the site you suggested, really interesting and full of clear explanations.
Thank you for your useful advice. I am thinking of creating a blog with my classes...Yes I want to try!

I have also to thank Anna Franca for all the up-to-date information I am getting in her blog.


Anna Franca said...

Very useful input, Dani! Thanks so much for your professional contribution!! This is the true spirit of a CoP: sharing with members to allow them to tap new valuable info, as Antonietta has done. Does it really matter if the info is in Italian when Antonietta feels she wants to try creating a blog??
l must also say that the well-chosen video stimulates me to question: "What do OUR students think about the use of blogs in THEIR ESL classrooms"??? It would be extremely interesting and pedagogically useful to explore their perceptions through a survey, don't you think so?? A well-designed simple questionnaire would serve the purpose, wouldn't it? Remember Action Research and its value?? Let me know if you're interested in the idea of a survey ;-))

Antonietta M.D.P. said...

Dear Anna Franca,

I think it could be a good idea to involve our students in a survey about the use of blogs in ESL classes. It would have a double positive consequence:first we could really realize if they would be interested in it, second we would create the necessary background to their direct partecipation and involvement.

I am with you Anna Franca, as usual!

Anna Franca said...

Thanks Antonietta for your comment. What technique would you use to carry out the survey? What would you ask them?

Paola said...


thanks Dani for the video and the article.
Watching the video I thought that the "bringing the real world into the classroom" was one of the most important added values, both in terms of creating socialisation in the classroom and about culture learning. It seems a very interesting way of dealing with cultural information and reflection, in terms of learning a language not only about the "target culture" but in a more intercultural perspective - learning about different cultures, including the students' own one.
Also, from what these students say, it is a REAL integration of learning language and culture, where the distinction is not so clear-cut, making culture a side-(fifth) skill.


Daniela Millini said...

Hi everyone!
I really like Anna Franca's idea: carrying out a survey to explore what our students might think (and how they might feel) about using a blog in ESL classes. Yet, I'd see the survey as part of a larger 'project', including an introduction of what blogs are (a bit of 'history', some surfing though a number of selected blogs)as I'm not sure all my own students exactly know what a blog is (they seem to know a lot about ICT, and the Web - but they often focus on downloading music and films rather than actually exploring the whole of it...)

Antonietta M.D.P. said...

Hi Anna Franca,
I could ask them if:
-they have ever taken part in a blog
-they like /would like to take part in one
-they have their own blog
-how often they send messages/comments
-they find it interesting/entertaining/boring
-they consider a blog experience meaningful in some way
-they would consider educational to create a blog at school
-they would appreciate a traditional lesson more than a blog through class.

Please what about your own ideas?

Daniela Millini said...

Thanks, Antonietta!
Grateful for your effort - I really had no time to think about making up the survey at the moment but with your help...maybe we can do it!
I've 'cut and pasted' your suggestions and I promise I'll work on them ...asap!
In the meanwhile, why don't you publish them as a post - so that anyone can see them ?
Great Antonietta!