Sunday, 9 March 2008

web.2, blogs, wikis, second life

Hi Annafranca and everybody

I have found a video at the following link

that briefly explains the difference between blogs and wikis, introducing also possible uses of "Second life" in education. Hope it can be useful.




Anna Franca said...

So, Paola what would you see as the main differences between the two? How would they affect your choice of using them in the ESL classroom? How about blog ethics?

Paola said...

Dear TesolCop friends,

the main differences between the two, as I see them, are as follows:

BLOGS can be used in the language classroom for more complex tasks, starting from material which can be uploaded (as videos for instance) or referred to (as websites). The tasks could be strictly linguistic ones, or more reflective ones, as e.g. for cultural issues, CLIL activities, ESP. They could be fix(as for instance questions for listening/reading activities), or more open for reflection (as discussion or even essays/compositions). As suggested in the video Daniela has spotted at there could be one single blog for the whole class, or one blog for each student.

WIKI can be used when the construction of a text is to be done collaboratively, through research, study or even as creative writing. The beginning could be set by the teacher(tutor, and then it should be completed by the learners gathering different info and inserting it, working thus in a collaborative way.

This at least as I have understood it...

Blog ethics is I feel a hot issue... I have heard quite a few experiences of personal blogs being "spoilt" by unwanted and rude comments. In an educational situation rules would have to be set and agreed upon by the community or learners, as part of a specific learning contract.

All for now... I am running out of time and "someone has to cook dinner" too... ;-)


Paola xxx