Friday, 14 March 2008

wiki created...

hi tesolcop mates :-)

still in progress... but fun to experiment!

there's a story to create, if you feel like to have a creative collaborative break ;-)



Paola said...

Dear Annafranca and everybody,

I have invited to join in as writers in the wiki those of you for whom I had an e-mail address. If you wish to be added as writer, please let me know.

One technical question: I have tried to erase a post from my blog, but did not manage to find out how to do it: can anybody help pleeease? tks!!!


PS: Dani, I have finally managed to get beyond the problem in inserting videos, thanks so much for your invaluable support! :-)

Anna Franca said...

Paola, you need to click on "customise", then on "posting" and on "edit posts".
Let me know if it works out.

Paola said...

Thanks Annafranca, I managed to do it... the delete funcion was just "hidden" on the right part of the screen :-(

Have a nice Sunday
